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About Us

Prof. Jacob Brainis – Ontario accredited Osteopathic Practitioner and Acupuncturist – successfully combines the healing modalities of laser therapy, osteopathy and acupuncture for the treatment of a full range of physical conditions.

Jacob Brainis: graduated from Henan University of TCM with a bachelor degree in medicine (Bs.C/Med), also earned the Acupuncture Points Infusion Postgraduated Certificate from Henan University of TCM, China.

Canada educated Osteopathic Practitioner.

In his post graduated studies, Jacob Brainis was trained by US educated Osteopathic Physicians.

In 1972 Graduated from Lithuanian University of Health Sciences.

With a Masters Degree in Physical Education, and as a former instructor and coach in various athletic disciplines, he brings extensive knowledge to the field of holistic health. In addition, as a former athlete who participated in the World Championship of Kayaking in Bulgaria, and holds a black belt Second Dan in Karate (Okinawa style), Jacob brings invaluable insight and expertise to the area of sports-related injuries and how best to heal them.

Jacob is practicing not only in Canada, but also in many foreign countries. In his numerous visits to China, he integrated in his practice the best of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Osteopathy. Jacob developed a unique approach in dealing with respiratory problems (such as flu, cold and infections) in particularly dealing with aging population, and he is focusing on Anti-Aging Medicine and Medical Wellness.

Professional Affiliations:

– American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine

– Member of Pastoral Medical Association

– Commission for Osteopathic Research, Practice and Promotion

– Ontario Federation of Osteopathic Professionals

– American Holistic Medical Association

– World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies

– Registered member of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario

Honors and Awards:

– House of Commons Canada Certificate of Recognition in acknowledgement of his hard work and extensive contribution to the Traditional Chinese medicine in Toronto and abroad 2011.

– Board Member of the Speciality Committee of Chinese Medicine Manipulations, affiliated to WFCMS.

– President of Ontario Federation of Osteopathic Professionals.



“Dear Jacob,I just heard today from my knee ortho. He saw my MRI but didn’t see me because he was on holiday when I was in Warsaw.  After seeing my MRI he told me that in comparison to my MRIs from 2014 and 2015 my cartilage is better and it seems as if it healed by itself!!!!!!!!! But it was not by itself it was BY YOU and THANKS to YOU!!!!  Thank You again for all the treatments and Your holiday time!!!”

Agnieszka Linkowski  July 11, 2017

“My name is Patricia I was injured when a shelf collapsed on top of me on August 5 2009. Since the injury my life has been hell. Every time I awoke I felt as though I just injured myself and no one was helping me. I saw 8 surgeons, I had x-rays a couple of MRIS, 2 arthroscopic surgeries.  After my last surgery my pain increased substantially with every movement. I started getting cortisone patches and physical therapy for my whole arm in 2015. Still with no relief in sight.The surgeons told me they could not take the pain away and apparently I was doomed for life. I did not believe them because I have faith that Gd will help me. I received my miracle help when Mr. Jacob Brainis met me by chance. He asked me about my wrist and I took the opportunity to see him and find out his diagnosis of my condition. To my surprise , I found out that some of my bones in my wrist were misaligned and causing me extra pain. I had missed many events over the 6 years due to that pain so you can imagine how I felt. I am very grateful that I finally found a Practitioner who knew immediately what I needed. My movement has improved tremendously and my pain was gone. All of this reflects my outlook on life , on my present and my future. I feel alive once more and positive about my life. I thank Gd for sending me to Mr. Jacob Brainis and for his expertise and knowledge. I am indeed fortunate.”

Patricia  Aug. 27 2015

Patricia’s handwriting, Before and After: Before:Before

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Dear Mr. Brainis,I first met Jacob at an outdoor demonstration 2 years ago in Lagoon City. I told him my biggest problem was a bad back which bothered me for years. After he gave me an adjustment I felt so good that I decided to follow up for a weekly session. He has cured me of my sore back. I aslo had suffered from anxiety for at least 20 years. I was on medication for this problem. The anxiety came with an “explosion” feeling in my head. Jacob was able to cure this problem and I no longer have anxiety feelings.I have sore shoulders due to torn tendons which Jacob has treated me for. This condition has improved by 80%. Head aches were also an issue but have been eliminated with treatment.

Yours Truly,

Gilles Bertrand  Jan. 6, 2015 Lagoon City, Ontario

Dear Mr. Brainis, As you know, I had been suffering for years with pain in my shoulders, arms, neck and lower back. After seeing numerous naturopaths, acupuncturists, chiropractors and MDs; and trying a variety of medications and treatments including cortisone shots, I had become extremely frustrated and depressed from constant pain and lack of mobility.After my first treatment I was already experiencing less pain and better range of motion in my arms and shoulders. During the week you were here in Arizona, and after the four treatments you provided, I can honestly say I am feeling so much better than I have felt in years and with far less pain. I can now move my arms and shoulders better than I have been able to in years. I know that if you were here for a little while longer and provided me with a few more treatments, I could get rid of the pain completely and have normal mobility in my upper and lower body. Thank you so much for making feel like a new person. I can do and enjoy things now that I couldn’t do just a couple of weeks ago. It has given me a new lease on life and for that I will be eternally grateful.


Amira Cuttler Saturday, March 24, 2007 Phoenix, Arizona

Hello Jacob,Here is Tony’s latest blood work. His endocrinologist was amazed. She said everything was normal with his liver, pancreas, and lowered his pituitary medicine to one time a week. His next blood test is in about 3 weeks and will include his cholesterol, triglycerides etc. He is also having an MRI on his Pituitary tumor Friday, Oct. 9.Look forward to seeing you in November.Stay Well,

Kelley & Tony September, 2009 Arizona

Dear Jacob, I want to thank Jacob Brainis and extend hope to others who may be suffering and losing hope. When I first started being treated by Jacob I had many setbacks and my case was very complicated and discouraging. At one point I could not even count on being able to walk in the morning but, Jacob was persistent and reassuring and I have my life back now. I don’t take anything for granted but, I can plan something in advance and not wonder if I will be able to see it through. I was able to keep going because Jacob had hope and now I want others to know that work and persistance pay off! Even if it takes a long time…don’t give up.

Beverley Belchior , HR Liaison,  Ministry of Training Colleges & Universities

“I got into an accident and sustained severe back pain. Numerous visits to various specialists were unsuccessful in relieving my pain. At one point my family physician advised me to see a psychiatrist, because according to him, it was all in my head. A friend of mine suggested I see Jacob Brainis. After treatments I was pain free”

Taly Thornhill

“I had insomnia for many years until I was treated by Jacob Brainis, in the Advanced Health Clinic.”

Diane,  Richmond Hill

“After breaking a bone in my right hand (playing hockey), it did not heal properly. The pain did not subside for many months and inhibited my ability to complete at a high level. After treatments of being treated by Jacob using therapy and osteopath therapy, I was free of my pain and significantly improved my performance”

Daniel, Thornhill

“I had an old left hand rotator injury. I had limited range of motion. After osteopathic treatments, I experienced no pain, and normal range of motion.”

Clayton, Richmond Hill

“I suffered for 2 years from a medical condition called Pruritus Ani (itchy butt). I was finally relived of this irritating pain and discomfort by being treated by Jacob at the Advanced Health Clinic.”

Janice, Vaughan



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