Who can benefit from osteopathy?
Osteopathic treatment can help people of a wide range of age and body types as treatment is modified for each individual.
The aims of any osteopathic treatment are to:
- Ease pain
- Promote tissue healing and repair
- Increase mobility and function
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While osteopathic treatment is often used for the alleviation of musculo-skeletal pain, it may also be effective for a range of other health conditions such as:
- Asthma and breathing disorders
- Sinus disorders
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Migraines and headaches
- Menstrual pain
- Post-surgery rehabilitation
- Infantile colic
Osteopathic treatment when appropriate, can complement, and in some cases replace, drugs or surgery. In this way, osteopathy brings an important alternative option to standard medical care.
Does osteopathy work?
Scientifically valid research is important to the osteopathic profession and studies are continually being published demonstrating osteopathic manual therapy as a safe, effective form of treatment.
What is a typical osteopathic consultation like?
A typical osteopathic consultation visit includes four parts: patient history, examination, diagnosis, and treatment.
- History The case history is an important part of the information gathering process. This allows the osteopath to understand a patient’s past health status and gather information that will aide making a correct working diagnosis.
- Examination A structural examination will begin by checking your posture, spine, movement and balance. As part of this an osteopath will then use skilled hands to examine a patient ‘head to toe’ including skin, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. If necessary, further tests may be ordered, such as x-rays or blood tests. Systems such as cardiovascular, neurological and respiratory systems may also be examined.
- Diagnosis The osteopath will consider the results of the history and examination and will make a diagnosis, tell you what may be causing your symptoms and suggest a treatment plan.
- Treatment An osteopath will skillfully determine an area that is not functioning correctly and may apply a manipulative technique to reduce pain and improve function. Depending on how severe your problem is you may require more than one osteopathic consultation. Osteopaths are concerned with long term health and well-being and may also assist with post-consultation care such as specific stretches or exercise programmes, nutritional advice or postural or ergonomic help. If required, this may include such options as referral to another practitioner such as a GP or podiatrist.
What techniques do osteopaths use to treat patients?
An osteopath has a wide variety of manual techniques at their disposal. The most commonly known technique involves joint manipulation. This is a safe and gentle technique. Other techniques include positional release techniques, which involve a tender tissue being placed in a position of ease to allow pain reduction and improve tissue function; muscle energy techniques involving actively contracting a muscle against resistance, stretching and direct soft tissue techniques akin to massage. Some osteopaths may use gentle cranio-sacral treatment, which is a specialized form of osteopathic treatment. Osteopaths will take care to assure the most appropriate treatment is applied for the patient’s specific condition.