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Health Conditions

In treating the following conditions, we involve three modalities.

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Osteopathy was founded by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still, M.D in 1874. Dr. Still was a both a physician and a minister. He treated his patients using what medical discipline that was available at the time and became increasingly frustrated with the severe toxicity associated with those treatments. He was ultimately propelled to find a different way when three of his sons died of spinal meningitis as he was helpless and could not offer them any treatment.

“When all parts of the human body are in line, we have perfect health. When they are not, the effect is disease. When the parts are readjusted disease gives place to health.”


The object of osteopathic manipulations being largely to adjust the bony structures of the body to their proper relative position for the purpose of removing interference to the physiological action of organs and to promote the cure of disease, the manner of procedure is of interest.

The science of Osteopathy primarily depends for its success upon a thorough and comprehensive study of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Osteopathy has for its object the maintenance of the complete circuit of the motor, sensory and sympathetic nerves, to and from all the organs and tissues and the restoration of that harmonious action which must ensue when all parts are unirritated by any cause, thus permitting a perfect freedom of all fluids, forces and substances pertaining to life.

In the restoration of health the Osteopath works entirely in harmony with nature, correcting disorders of mind and body upon a physical basis through the application of his knowledge of the laws and principles of the human body, thereby looking upon disease as some disorder of the normal function of the body, and not as an entity to be attacked by some foreign force which would only alleviate, antagonize or overshadow the real trouble.



Acupuncture is one of the world’s most ancient systems of medicine, dating back over 4,000 years. Acupuncture involves stimulation of specific points on the body surface to treat injuries and illness.

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical technique for unblocking chi (ch’i or qi) by inserting needles at particular points on the body to balance the opposing forces of yin and yang. Chi is an energy that allegedly permeates all things. It is believed to flow through the body along 14 main pathways called meridians.  When yin and yang are in harmony, chi flows freely within the body and a person is healthy. When a person is sick, diseased, or injured, there is an obstruction of chi along one of the meridians. Traditional Chinese medicine has identified some 500 specific points where needles are to be inserted for specific effects.

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Lasers heal tissue by stimulation it with photons or light energy. The light energy – photons, is absorbed by the cells and is converted to complex biochemical substances which the cells and tissues use to eliminate pain and heal the tissues. While normal healing cause scar tissue formation, which results in further abnormal functioning, laser heals tissue without scar formation.

Lasers have been clinically used for over 45 years and Health Canada approved the clinical application of lasers 15 years ago.

Over 5,000 scientific papers published on laser therapy, reports no side-effects. Laser therapy is completely safe (it emits no radiation), painless, non-invasive and non toxic.


• Pruritus Ani

• Frozen Shoulder

• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

• Asthma

• Back Pain

• Headache / Migraine

• Chronic Pain

• Chronic Disease 

• Insomnia

• Kyphosis (spinal disorder)

• Musculoskeletal Problems

• Neck Pain

• Sciatica

• Sinusitis

• Gastric Reflux (high success rate)